Guam's First Choice In Public Education.

About Us

Timeless Teachings in a Changing World
A charter school is a public school operating independent of GDOE. Guahan Academy Charter School is the first approved charter school on Guam and is paving the way for a much needed change in public education on the island. GACS will be a model for other schools by implementing best practices, putting children first, collaborating with families, and building a stronger community.
GACS is the first school on Guam to develop and innovative program of study for students who are significantly behind academically. The program is called the Literacy Institute will provide comprehensive intervention that will allow students to catch up with their peers, successfully complete high school, and be prepared to enter the work force or for post-secondary education.
For SY 2012-13, GACS is currently accepting 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th grade students (ages 13-16) who will benefit from the Literacy Institute Curriculum. The GACS Literacy Institute Curriculum will focus on providing instruction in reading, language, and math until students have mastered the skills needed to move on to other content courses. Each student will be individually assessed and placed according to their skill levels and will be accelerated based on how well they are doing. GACS is committed to maintaining a social and academic environment conducive for the personal growth and development of all students. Therefore, the Literacy Institute Curriculum will also include a Personal & Professional Development course that is aligned with the Competency Model for Career/Technical Education. This course will help students acquire social skills, thinking skills, and problem solving skills will help them be successful in school, in career, and in life.

The Starfish Story

Our Philosophy

At GACS, we believe that each student can learn and become productive citizens when given resources that support and promote lifelong learning to attain academic and social successes. We understand that learning is an evolving concept. Therefore, given the tools of effective research-based practices, students will be offered opportunities to challenge themselves and take ownership of their learning.
In terms of social development, we believe in building character and encouraging students to be productive members of society. With our focus on resourcefulness, respect, and responsibility, we aim to nurture student’s abilities to set and achieve goals, communicate effectively, think critically, and develop a self-motivated pursuit of knowledge.